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High-powered lobbyists when it comes to lenders filled the audience at the hearing, one of them former Texas home Speaker Gib Lewis. He represents Cottonwood Financial, which has the money Store — the ongoing business that loaned money to Preston White. The speaker that is former lobby contracts with payday loan providers among others well worth as much as $785,000 this present year. Lewis registered a situation from the bill but failed to testify during the hearing.

High-powered lobbyists when it comes to lenders filled the audience at the hearing, one of them former Texas home Speaker Gib Lewis. He represents Cottonwood Financial, which has the money Store — the ongoing business that loaned money to Preston White. The speaker that is former lobby contracts with payday loan providers among others well worth as much as $785,000 this present year. Lewis registered a situation from the bill but failed to testify during the hearing. (altro…)